Poems from Savannah W

I love God first! I love hair, fashion, and I'm a computer science major. I enjoy tennis and crocheting. Poetry is one of the best ways for me to let out any emotions I'm feeling.
Blood rushed down his arm
Just like tears rush down her face
There's fire in his eyes
And an overdose in her veins
Lord help these...
They say it's beautiful
They say it's gorgeous
Until they've touched the thorns
They've been hurt by the pretty rose
Why does it bring pain...
Pardon me while I speak from my roots
By this, I mean the beginning of my hair follicles
So excuse me if my words sound twisted or dark by...
Early in the morning I sacrificed my time and my sleep to climb this mountain.
While all was still dark and asleep, we were all awake. And...
you can only get so deep before bursting into tears
being vulnerable is hard before it’s easy
where’s the key that opens up all the locks ...